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Aman Resorts


Amanresorts owns and manages 23 small luxury resorts worldwide. Each Aman resort is singularly unique but all offer an experience for guests that is intimate and discreet, while providing the highest level of service. Certain elements characterize all Aman resorts – a beautiful natural location, outstanding facilities, exceptional service and a small number of rooms to ensure exclusivity and privacy.

The décor of each Aman resort makes use of locally sourced materials, reflecting elements of the natural surroundings and the traditions of local cultures. Since 1988, when flagship Amanpuri (‘place of peace’) opened in Phuket, Thailand, Amanresorts has established resorts in Bhutan (Amankora, 2004), Cambodia (Amansara, 2002), China (Aman at Summer Palace, Beijing, 2008), France (Le Mélézin, 1992), French Polynesia (Hotel Bora Bora, 1989), Indonesia (Amandari, 1989; Amanusa and Amankila, 1992; Amanwana, 1993 and Amanjiwo, 1997), India (Aman-i-Khás, 2003; Amanbagh, 2005 and Aman New Delhi, 2009), Laos (Amantaka, 2009), Montenegro (Aman Sveti Stefan – Villa Miločer, 2008), Morocco (Amanjena, 2000), Philippines (Amanpulo, 1993), Sri Lanka (Amangalla, 2005 and Amanwella, 2005), Turks & Caicos Islands (Amanyara, 2006) and USA (Amangani, 1998 and Amangiri, 2009).

Aman Resorts
Aman Resorts